Client of the Month: HGA

1640 14th Street, Santa Monica | Renderings © HGA
This month we are recognizing Hamel, Green, and Abrahamson (HGA) as our December Client of the Month. HGA is a national multi-disciplinary design firm specializing in architecture and engineering. In addition to these two cornerstone services, HGA also provides interior design, landscape architecture, lighting design, planning, sustainable design, technology, and a strategic planning group call WorkSIGHT.
The company was established in 1953, with the guiding principle that optimal results for clients comes from the deep and diverse insights of the people that use each of the unique environments they design.
Founders Richard Hammel, Curt Green, and Bruce Abrahamson have been able to employ this strategic design approach by cultivating a collaborative inter-disciplinary model. For every project, they consider the perspectives of different disciplines which are fundamental to finding the best design solutions. The result is a movement toward modern, forward-thinking design that ultimately benefits the community and its citizens.
HGA’s focus on diversity does not stop at just its projects. Today HGA employs 850 people in 11 offices across the nation. HGA professionals specialize in arts and culture, community, corporate, education, energy, government, healthcare, science, and technology market sectors.
The company has formed a path to a truly equitable culture where policies, practices, and resources are aligned so all people can thrive; a wholly inclusive environment in which everyone feels valued and respected; and a more diverse HGA where differences are cultivated, appreciated, and reflect the world as it is today. CEO Tim Carl, remarks:
“Our ongoing commitment is to be a company and culture where everyone, employees and clients, can together do the best work of their lives.”
Due to the diverse infrastructure of HGA, they can spearhead projects in a multitude of different sectors which include arts and culture, corporate, education, science and technology, and public works. Over the years, many of these projects have earned critical acclaim and awards. McCullough is honored to have been invited by HGA to collaborate in the development of projects spanning across multiple sectors, including 1640 14th Street in Santa Monica, and San Diego State University’s Don Powell Theatre Renovation.
The 1640 14th Street project in Santa Monica features a three-story structure which will include 18,742 sq. ft. of office space above 3,600 sq. ft. of ground floor retail, and 61 parking stalls below. The project presents an opportunity to establish a unified urban linkage starting with the soon-to-be-renovated memorial park that ultimately travels toward the ocean via mid-block pedestrian orientated paseos.
The creation of dynamic and engaging architecture and landscape is critical to the realization of an integrated urban passageway. The landscape for the project seeks to “ground” the architecture, its tenants, and the community in an environment that both excites the senses and evokes qualities reminiscent of California’s cultural ecologies.
For example, as one makes their way up to the street-level paseo, with its direct access and axial relationship to Memorial Park, one is met by the ever-present and beautifully inspiring Spanish-influenced perennial plants. Seasonal blooms, varied scents, and striking textural contrast invoke visions that harken back to the California’s Rancho period of the 1780s-1840s.
We are excited to participate in this project, where so much innovation will transform the local community. It’s inspiring!

Don Powell Theatre, San Diego State University | Renderings © HGA
We also have the pleasure of collaborating with HGA and builders Rudolph and Sletten on the San Diego State University (SDSU) Don Powell Theatre design-build renovation. This project consists of three separate buildings: Main Stage (formerly known as the Don Powell Theatre); a new, Second Stage theatre on the Aztec Mesa which can open up on one side to create a third, flexible indoor/outdoor venue; and new Amenities Building for ticketing, concessions, and gender-neutral restrooms which will serve both performance venues.
The existing Don Powell Theatre (the current Main Stage) and proposed Second Stage will serve as the anchors at both ends of the district. The Performing Arts Walk is the pedestrian path that runs down the middle of this quad of buildings, connecting Parking Structure 4 and numerous sports facilities to the heart of campus.
Furthermore, the Second Stage located on the west side of Aztec Mesa, can use the space between it and the Music Building to create an outdoor performance space, called the “Third Stage.” At the center of the Performing Arts District, the new Amenities Building houses the box office, concessions, and gender-neutral restrooms for both the Main Stage and Second Stage venues. Additionally, the east wall of the Amenities Building serves as a backdrop for the plaza on the west side of the Main Stage.
The project will give SDSU a modern and innovative forum to enjoy performances in a safe and convenient manner, while inspiring attendees’ creative spirits. Planting selection will be based on climate-appropriate and drought-tolerant species. The plantings will reflect the goals, missions, and values of the university, and serve as models for future projects on campus. The outcome of this multi-functional design will be a highlight for the performing-arts district for years to come.
McCullough is grateful for the opportunity to work with HGA. Each project is a creative challenge and pushes our concepts and abilities to showcase the full potential of each space. We could not be more excited to watch our combined visions of sophisticated architecture coupled with landscape design to become lasting environments within these communities.
To learn more about HGA visit their website at >